It can be a pretty panic-inducing situation if you’ve got a plumbing emergency. You must have a 24-hour emergency plumber on call to tackle any troubles. You need to know what to look for in four of the most common plumbing emergencies.

Ruptured Pipes

Ruptured pipes can be caused by the freeze-thaw cycle or even the result of regular wear-and-tear adding up over time. You need to know that you need to shut off the water source feeding the pipe as soon as possible, which could mean turning off the water supply to your entire house. Often, solving a ruptured pipe means replacing it entirely, which is a job for a professional plumber.

Clogged Toilet

If your toilet clogs and starts backing up, that’s an actual plumbing emergency. Not only does it pose a risk with regards to structural damage from the leak, but the raw sewage poses a significant health hazard. While you might be able to fix your toilet yourself, you’re going to need a professional to handle the cause of the clog and backup.

Broken Hot Water Heater

There are a couple of signs that you’re water heater is broken. One of the most obvious ones is if your water heater is leaking. You might not be able to determine the cause of the leak, but you know that it can cause structural damage to your home if it’s not dealt with immediately.

Your hot water heater might just need a quick fix if the leak is coming from a faulty or damaged valve, but if the wall of the water heater has completely rusted through, then you’re looking at having to replace the entire water heater.

Sump Pump Not Working

Making sure your sump pump is working is critical, after all it does an important job in your house. If you find that it’s not working or if you’re experience a backup, then you need to call in a 24-hour emergency plumber as soon as possible.

Knowing what the most common plumbing emergencies are can help put your mind at ease, especially if you have a plan in place in case one happens to you. That plan should include a 24-hour emergency plumber who can come in and deal with the problem. That’s why you need to give The Plumbing Repair Guy a call today. We’re here to help with all your plumbing emergencies.

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