If you’ve ever left a soda can in the freezer, you know that expanding ice can tear through metal. The same thing happens to unprotected pipes in the winter. The water expands as it freezes, increasing pressure inside the system. That pressure has to go somewhere — leave it too long, and the pipe can explode.
With these simple winterization tips, you can shield your pipes and head off expensive plumbing and water damage. Need help? Call us to find an affordable plumber in Edmonton.
Seek Out Unheated Spaces
Do you turn off the heat to unused rooms in the winter? This strategy might reduce utility bills, but it’s dangerous for your pipes. The combination of cold weather and low interior temperatures can cause water lines to burst inside the wall. Instead, open the vents and doors to make sure every room is heated adequately. If you go on vacation, make sure the thermostat is set to at least 55 or 60 degrees.
Open Cabinet Doors
Kitchen and bathroom cabinets can be surprisingly cold in the winter, especially when they’re installed on an exterior wall. Any time the temperature drops below -6 degrees Celsius, open the cabinet doors. Heat from the house will circulate around the pipes and reduce the risk of freezing.
Insulate Vulnerable Pipes
Pipes in the uninsulated parts of your home — the attic, crawl space, garage, and basement — are the most likely to freeze. Keep them warm with pipe insulation. It’s a cheap solution, and you can install it yourself. As a bonus, insulating hot water pipes can reduce heat loss and cut energy costs.
Let Faucets Run
In extreme cold temperatures, it’s a good idea to leave a faucet open. Adjust the handle until water runs in a thin, steady stream. The open valve reduces pressure inside the system, so pipes are less likely to burst even if they freeze. Some cities in Edmonton, including Calgary, require residents in certain areas to leave a faucet running around the clock. Usually, the city adjusts your water bill accordingly.
Edmonton winters are no joke — we’ve been in the business for years, so our team has seen firsthand what cold weather can do to plumbing. Before winter sets in, we recommend that you use all of these tips to protect your home. If you need help winterizing, or if you suspect your pipes are already frozen, call us at The Plumbing Repair Guy to book a professional, affordable plumber in Edmonton.